/* global globalNav, responsiveNavOnloadCallback */ //Foundation JavaScript //Documentation can be found at: http://foundation.zurb.com/docs $(document).foundation({ reveal: { multiple_opened: true // jshint ignore:line } }); // Fix for IE 8/9/10, where window.location.origin is not supported. if (!window.location.origin) { window.location.origin = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port : ''); } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/startsWith // Shim for browsers that don't support the startsWith() String method (IE 11) if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function (searchString, position) { position = position || 0; return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString; }; } var AOP = AOP || {}; AOP.closeModal = function () { $('.reveal-modal').foundation('reveal', 'close'); }; AOP.initAltMetric = function () { var $badges = $('.altmetric-badge'); var altmetricToolTipText = AOP.translate('View Altmetric attention score details'); $badges.not('.processed').each(function (i) { var $altEl = $(this); var doi = $altEl.data('doi'); var isbn = $altEl.data('isbn'); var badgeSize = $altEl.data('badge-size') || 'small'; //small, medium, large var container = $altEl.data('altmetric-badge-container'); if (container) { $(container).hide(); } if (doi || isbn) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url: AOP.baseUrl + '/services/aop-cambridge-core/altmetric', data: { doi: doi, isbn: isbn }, success: function (resp, status, xhr) { if (xhr.status !== 200 || !resp) { $altEl.remove(); return false; } var imageUrl = resp.images[badgeSize]; var detailsUrl = resp.detailsUrl; var score = resp.score; if (imageUrl && detailsUrl && score) { var altLink = $('') .attr('data-ccp-qtip', '{ test: "this"}') .attr('title', altmetricToolTipText) .attr('href', detailsUrl) .attr('target', '_blank'); var altDonut = $('', { 'src': imageUrl, 'alt': 'Altmetric attention score: ' + score }); altLink.append(altDonut); $altEl.prepend(altLink); } if (container) { $(container).show(); } $altEl.addClass('processed'); if (($badges.length - 1) === i) { AOP.loadQtip(); // reload qtip once images injected } }, error: function (err) { console.log(err); } }); } else { $altEl.remove(); } }); }; /* * Initialise Altmetric badges automatically created via the Altmetric API, which is any tag with the class * "altmetric-embed" * $container - {jQuery} - only apply within this area * Ref: https://api.altmetric.com/embeds.html */ AOP.initEmbeddedAltmetric = function ($container) { if (typeof _altmetric_embed_init !== 'undefined') { _altmetric_embed_init($container || null); } }; // Add all tips to a function so it can be called when elements are added to the dom // @note AOP.loadQtip = function () { // // @attr data-ccp-qtip // @description an attribute based qtip for declarative configuration $('[data-ccp-qtip]').each(function (i, element) { var $element = $(element); var data = $element.data('ccq-qtip') || {}; var style = $element.data('ccq-qtip-style'); var content = $element.data('ccq-qtip-content'); var position = $element.data('ccq-qtip-position'); var defaults = { id: 'ccp-qtip_' + i, content: { attr: 'title' }, position: { my: 'center right', at: 'center left' } }; $element.qtip(defaults); }); $('.download-types li a, .social li a, li.open-practice-badge-wrapper a').each(function (i, e) { var $e = $(e); if (!$e.data('loadedQtip')) { $e.data('loadedQtip', true); $e.qtip({ // create a default? // Force the tooltip render, so these are immediately available on the page. // Then we can disable the aria controls it applies, so we can implement our own accessibility on these links. prerender: true, style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 } }, content: { attr: 'data-hasqtip' // IE done by accessing them using getAttribute. }, show: { event: 'mouseover focus' }, hide: { event: 'mouseout blur' }, position: { viewport: $(window), my: 'bottom center', at: 'top center', target: 'event' // my target } }); } }); $('.content-switch li a').qtip({ // Force the tooltop render, so these are immediately available on the page // Core reader wants to disable these, so it can implement it's own accessibility on these links. prerender: true, style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 } }, content: { attr: 'data-hasqtip' //IE done by accessing them using getAttribute. }, show: { event: 'mouseover focus' }, hide: { event: 'mouseout blur' }, position: { my: 'center left', at: 'center right', target: 'event' //my target } }); $('.hasTooltipCustom').each(function () { //Notice the .each() loop, discussed below $(this).qtip({ style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 }, classes: 'custom-tooltip' }, content: { //text: $(this).next('.custom-tooltip') text: function (api) { var content = $(this).find('.custom-tooltip'); return content.length !== 0 ? content.html() : content.html(); } }, show: { event: 'mouseover focus' }, position: { viewport: $(window), adjust: { mouse: true, method: 'flip' }, my: 'top center', at: 'bottom center', target: 'event' }, hide: { event: 'mouseout blur', fixed: true, delay: 300 } }); }); $('.access > li > a.hasTooltipCustom--bottom').each(function () { $(this).qtip({ style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 }, classes: 'custom-tooltip' }, content: { //text: $(this).next('.custom-tooltip') text: function (api) { var content = $(this).find('.custom-tooltip'); return content.length !== 0 ? content.html() : content.html(); } }, show: { event: 'focus mouseover' }, position: { viewport: $(window), adjust: { mouse: true, method: 'flip' }, my: 'top center', at: 'bottom center', target: 'event' }, hide: { event: 'blur mouseout', fixed: true, delay: 300 } }); }); $('a.hasTooltipCustom-top').each(function () { //Notice the .each() loop, discussed below // Check for event type override var eventType = $(this).data('qtipEvent'); // Set default qTip opts var qTipOpts = { style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 }, classes: 'custom-tooltip--buttons' }, content: { text: function (api) { var content = $(this).next('.custom-tooltip'); return content.length ? AOP.toolTipCloseLinkHtml + content.html() : ''; } }, position: { viewport: $(window), adjust: { mouse: true, method: 'flip' }, my: 'bottom center', at: 'top center', target: 'event' }, hide: { fixed: true, delay: 300, event: 'unfocus' }, show: { event: 'click' }, events: { show: function (event, api) { AOP.attatchCloseLinkToQtip(api); AOP.closeQtipOnEsc(api); } } }; // If found, override event type for displaying qTip. if (eventType) { qTipOpts.show = { event: eventType }; } $(this).qtip(qTipOpts).on('focus', function (e) { AOP.enableKeyboardAccessInQtipTooltip(); }); // Create qTip $(this).qtip(qTipOpts).on('click', function (e) { AOP.enableKeyboardAccessInQtipTooltip(); // Disable click to stop longer page from scrolling up return false; }); // focus on qTip when selected via keyboard $(this).qtip(qTipOpts).on('keydown', function (e) { var keyPressed = e.keyCode || e.which; var enterKey = 13; if (keyPressed === enterKey) { AOP.enableKeyboardAccessInQtipTooltip(); } }); }); $('a.hasTooltipCustom-top-format').each(function () { //Notice the .each() loop, discussed below $(this).qtip({ style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 }, classes: 'custom-tooltip--formats' }, content: { // text: $(this).next('.custom-tooltip') text: function (api) { var content = $(this).next('.custom-tooltip'); return content.length !== 0 ? content.html() : content.html(); } }, position: { viewport: $(window), adjust: { mouse: true, method: 'flip' }, my: 'bottom center', at: 'top center', target: 'event' }, show: { event: 'focus mouseover' }, hide: { event: 'blur mouseout', fixed: true, delay: 300 } }); }); $('.hasTooltipCustom-top-price').each(function () { //Notice the .each() loop, discussed below $(this).qtip({ style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 }, classes: 'custom-tooltip--formats' }, content: { //text: $(this).next('.custom-tooltip') text: function (api) { var content = $(this).parent().parent().find('.custom-tooltip'); return content.length !== 0 ? content.html() : content.html(); } }, position: { viewport: $(window), adjust: { mouse: true, method: 'flip' }, my: 'bottom center', at: 'top center', target: 'event' }, show: { event: 'focus mouseover' }, hide: { event: 'blur mouseout', fixed: true, delay: 300 } }); }); $('.dashboard-blocks .info').each(function () { //Notice the .each() loop, discussed below $(this).qtip({ style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 } }, content: { attr: 'data-hasqtip' //IE done by accessing them using getAttribute. }, position: { my: 'center left', at: 'center right', target: 'event' //my target } }); }); $('.hasTooltipCustom-mathjax-listing').each(function () { //Notice the .each() loop, discussed below $(this).qtip({ style: { tip: { width: 20, height: 10 }, classes: 'custom-tooltip--mathjax-listing' }, content: { text: function (api) { var content = $(this).next('.custom-tooltip'); return content.length !== 0 ? content.html() : content.html(); } }, position: { viewport: $(window), adjust: { mouse: true, method: 'flip' }, my: 'bottom center', at: 'top center', target: 'event' }, show: { event: 'click focus' }, hide: { fixed: true, event: 'click blur' }, }).bind('click', function (e) { return false; }); //Prevent the click }); }; AOP.stringTrim = function (untrimmed) { if (untrimmed) { return untrimmed.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm, ''); } return ''; }; AOP.infiniteScroll = function (endpoint, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var _noMoreOutput = opts.noMoreOutput || '
No more posts to show.
'; var _outputContainer = opts.outputContainer || '.reading-width'; var _startingPage = opts.startingPage || 2; var getQueryParams = function () { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split('&'); var vals = []; for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { var pair = vars[i].split('='); if (pair.length === 2 && pair[0] && pair[1]) { vals.push({ name: decodeURIComponent(pair[0]), value: decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) }); } } return vals; }; var loadingInfinitePage = false; //Infinite scroll ajax //$(window).scroll(function () { // if (loadingInfinitePage) { // return; // } // // if ($(window).scrollTop() === $(document).height() - $(window).height()) { // // if ($(_outputContainer).find('input.page').size() === 0) { // $(_outputContainer).prepend(''); // // //reset as we want to go to 2 after any aggs etc have been engaged. // _startingPage = 2; // } // // var page = $(_outputContainer + ' input.page').val(); // // loadingInfinitePage = true; // // $('#loadmoreajaxloader').show(); // // Disabled this POC for now - missing files causes errors. // var path = endpoint; // // var data = getQueryParams(); // var ajaxParams = []; // // for (var i in data) { // ajaxParams.push(data[i]); // } // // ajaxParams.push({ // name: 'pageNum', // value: page // }); // // $.ajax({ // url: path, // data: ajaxParams, // success: function (res) { // var $html = $(res.results); // // if ($html && res.resultsReturned && res.resultsReturned !== 0) { // $(_outputContainer + ' input.page').val((page * 1) + 1); // // window.history.pushState({}, document.title, location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname + '?' + $.param(data)); // // $html.hide().appendTo(_outputContainer).fadeIn(300); // // $('#loadmoreajaxloader').delay(300).fadeOut(300, function () { // /* Not sure what this is. // $accordionTextSwitch.on('click', function () { // var text = $(this).find('.toggle-text').text(); // $(this).find('.toggle-text').text(text === 'View' ? 'Hide' : 'View'); // });*/ // //Load all qtips // AOP.loadQtip(); // }); // } else { // $('#loadmoreajaxloader').html(_noMoreOutput); // } // loadingInfinitePage = false; // } // }); // } //}); // var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop(), // $actionFollow = $body.find('#follow'), // actionFollowDistance = $actionFollow.offset().top; // if ((actionFollowDistance + 20) < scrollTop) { // $actionFollow.addClass('fixed-action'); // } else { // $actionFollow.removeClass('fixed-action'); // } }; /* style checkboxes and radio inputs */ AOP.styleInputElements = function (container) { var selector; // Use '.no-style' on the input element to exclude checkboxes from styling if (container) { selector = $('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]', container).not('.styled,.no-style'); } else { selector = $('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]').not('.styled,.no-style'); } selector.each(function (i, el) { $(this).addClass('styled'); el = $(el)[0]; var doneAlready = (el && el.nextElementSibling && el.nextElementSibling.outerHTML === ''); if (!doneAlready) { $(this).after($('')); } }); }; /* Convert a string to sentence case */ /* Eg, 'hi there' to 'Hi there' */ AOP.sentenceCase = function (sentence) { if (typeof sentence !== 'string') { return false; } sentence = sentence.toLowerCase(); return sentence.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sentence.substr(1); }; AOP.accordionTextSwitch = function (container) { var $accordionTextSwitch; if (container) { $accordionTextSwitch = $(container).find($('.accordion-navigation > a:not(.init)')); } else { $accordionTextSwitch = $('body').find($('.accordion-navigation > a:not(.init)')); } $accordionTextSwitch.on('click', function () { //Toggle the +/- element, if it exists $(this).find('.toggle-cord').toggleClass('close open-drawer'); //collapse all nested accordion drawers $(this).parent().find('.accordion').find('a[aria-expanded=\'true\']').each(function () { $(this).find('.close').toggleClass('close open-drawer'); $(this).attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); $(this).parent().find('>.content').removeClass('active'); }); var $textElement = $(this).find('.toggle-text'); var elementData = $textElement.data(); var isViewAllToggle = elementData && elementData.viewAll && elementData.viewAll === true; var text = $(this).find('.toggle-text').text(); var toggledText = text === AOP.translate('View') ? AOP.translate('Hide') : AOP.translate('View'); if (isViewAllToggle) { toggledText = text === AOP.translate('View all') ? AOP.translate('Hide all') : AOP.translate('View all'); } $textElement.text(toggledText); }).addClass('init'); }; // Clear requested saved searches/bookmarks in the session AOP.clearForLogin = function () { $.post(AOP.baseUrl + '/services/aop-cambridge-core/session/clear-for-login'); }; AOP.isReaderPage = function () { var re = new RegExp('core-reader'); return re.test(window.location.pathname); }; AOP.loadGlobalNav = function () { // Only try to load the global nav if the user IS NOT on the core reader page // As the nav is hidden anyway, reduce overhead. if (!AOP.isReaderPage()) { try { globalNav( '//www.cambridge.org/global-nav/navbars/header/latest.html', {}, function(resp) { jQuery('#global-nav').html(resp); responsiveNavOnloadCallback(); }, 'html', 5000 ); } catch (e) { //do nothing. } } }; AOP.validateOrcidId = function (orcidId, customErrorElSelector, callback) { if (!orcidId) { return callback(true); } var customErrorEl = $(customErrorElSelector); var output = false; $.ajax({ url: 'https://pub.orcid.org/v2.1/' + orcidId + '/person', headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'}, async: true }).success(function (data) { var results = data && data.name && data.path; if (results) { customErrorEl.hide(); customErrorEl.parent().parent().removeClass('error'); output = true; } return callback(output); }).error(function () { customErrorEl.show(); customErrorEl.parent().parent().addClass('error'); return callback(false); }); }; (function ($) { AOP.styleInputElements(); AOP.accordionTextSwitch(); AOP.initAltMetric(); AOP.loadGlobalNav(); /* handlebars-form-helpers doesn't print out value='' for empty values */ function putEmptyValuesInSelects() { if ($('select')) { $('select option').each(function () { if (!$(this).attr('value')) { $(this).attr('value', ''); } }); } } function formatStringInTitleCase(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('formatStringInTitleCase() :: argument:str :: expected:string :: actual:' + typeof str); } return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1).toLowerCase(); } function escapeHTML(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('escapeHTML() :: argument:str :: expected:string :: actual:' + typeof str); } return $('
').html(str).text(); } function getOuterHTML($target) { return $target[0].outerHTML || $('
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// Set custom sticky panel offset if ($panelSticky.attr('data-sticky-offset') !== undefined) { $panelStickyTopSpacing = Number($panelSticky.attr('data-sticky-offset')); } //Initialize the sticky panel if ($(window).width() > 1025) { $panelSticky.sticky({ topSpacing: $panelStickyTopSpacing }); $('.tab-title').on('click', function () { $panelSticky.unstick(); $panelSticky.sticky({ topSpacing: $panelStickyTopSpacing }); }); } else { $panelSticky.unstick(); } //Sticky panel management on window resize $(window).on('resize', function () { var width = this.innerWidth; var isSticky = $('.sticky-wrapper').length > 0; //Desktop only - disable for tablet and mobile if (width > 1025) { if (!isSticky) { $panelSticky.sticky({ topSpacing: $panelStickyTopSpacing }); } $('.tab-title').on('click', function () { $panelSticky.unstick(); $panelSticky.sticky({ topSpacing: $panelStickyTopSpacing }); }); } else { if (isSticky) { $panelSticky.unstick(); } } }); $('.carousel-facts .spinner').on('init afterChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(currentSlide))) { $('.carousel-facts').find('.current').text((1) + ' of ' + slick.slideCount); } else { $('.carousel-facts').find('.current').text((currentSlide + 1) + ' of ' + slick.slideCount); } }); $('.carousel-facts .spinner').slick({ infinite: true, arrows: true }); //Initialize autocomplete with local lookup: $('.autocomplete-suggest').each(function () { var autocompleteForm = $(this).closest('form'); var moreMatchesText = 'More matches available, keep typing to refine'; var productTypeFilter = $(this).data('productTypes'); $(this).devbridgeAutocomplete({ lookup: function (query, callback) { var payload = { input: query }; if (productTypeFilter) { payload.productType = productTypeFilter; } payload.overrideBookDateRange = true; $.get(AOP.baseUrl + '/services/aop-cambridge-core/search/suggest', payload, function (res) { var suggestions = { suggestions: [] }; //This lookup allows us to easily force the ordering of the autocomplete groups. var categories = [ 'JOURNAL', 'BOOK' ]; if (productTypeFilter) { for (var i in categories) { var category = categories[i]; var categoryLabelForSelectGroup = formatStringInTitleCase(category) + ' title matches'; if (!res.hasOwnProperty(category)) { continue; } var numInCat = 0; for (var suggestion in res[category]) { numInCat++; if (numInCat > 5 && category === 'BOOK') { suggestions.suggestions.push({ value: moreMatchesText, override: suggestions.suggestions[4].value, data: { category: categoryLabelForSelectGroup }, isMoreResultHint: true }); break; } else if (numInCat <= 5) { var data = res[category][suggestion] || {}; var title = res[category][suggestion].value; if (category === 'BOOK') { var biblio = []; if (typeof data['bookSubtitle'] !== 'undefined' && AOP.stringTrim(data.bookSubtitle).length) { // jshint ignore:line biblio.push(data.bookSubtitle); } if (typeof data['bookVolumeNumber'] !== 'undefined' && data.bookVolumeNumber.length && data.bookVolumeNumber.toString() !== '1') {// jshint ignore:line biblio.push('Vol ' + data.bookVolumeNumber); } if (typeof data['bookEditionNumber'] !== 'undefined' && data.bookEditionNumber.length && data.bookEditionNumber.toString() !== '1') { // jshint ignore:line biblio.push('Edition ' + data.bookEditionNumber); } if (biblio.length) { title += ': ' + biblio.join(', '); } } suggestions.suggestions.push({ value: title.toString(), data: { data: res[category][suggestion].data, text: res[category][suggestion].value, category: categoryLabelForSelectGroup } }); } } } } callback(suggestions); }); }, beforeRender: function (container) { // Remove the suggestion class and add the group class - this prevents a click handler being added $(container) .find('.autocomplete-more-results').parent() .removeClass('autocomplete-suggestion') .addClass('autocomplete-group'); return container; }, minChars: 3, maxHeight: 600, open: function () { var $autocompleteOptions = $(document).find('.autocomplete-suggestions'); var autocompleteOptionsWidth = $autocompleteOptions.width(); $autocompleteOptions.width(autocompleteOptionsWidth + 4); }, //turned off at the request of POs showNoSuggestionNotice: false, noSuggestionNotice: 'Sorry, no matching titles', groupBy: 'category', triggerSelectOnValidInput: false, onSelect: function (suggestion) { var eventPayload = $(autocompleteForm).data('autocompleteCupEventPayload'); var eventPayloadForAutoComplete = $.extend({}, eventPayload, { searchString: suggestion.value, usedIdentities: [] //required field but not populated for this event }); $.cupEvent.dispatchEvent(eventPayloadForAutoComplete, function (err) { if (suggestion.data.data) { var eventPayloadForProduct = $.extend({}, eventPayload, { searchString: suggestion.value, usedIdentities: [], eventCode: 'SE-RC', productId: suggestion.data.data }); $.cupEvent.dispatchEvent(eventPayloadForProduct, function (err) { window.location.href = AOP.baseUrl + '/product/' + suggestion.data.data; }); } else { if (suggestion.value === moreMatchesText && suggestion.override) { $(this).val(suggestion.override); } } }); }, //Killed the normal formatting as the title needed to be implemented and we needed to strip the html from the value. formatResult: function (suggestion, currentValue) { var suggestionTitle = escapeHTML(suggestion.value); var template = $('
') .attr('title', suggestionTitle) .html(suggestionTitle); if (suggestion.isMoreResultHint === true) { template .wrapInner('') .addClass('autocomplete-more-results'); } return getOuterHTML(template); } }); }); $('img').error(function () { $(this).css('border', 'none'); }); function toggleAriaDescribedBy($toggleElement, newLabel) { if ($toggleElement.hasClass('refine-search')) { $toggleElement.attr('aria-label', newLabel); } }; var excludedActions = '.book-page, .article, .chapter-page'; //Desktop only //Main open close toggle side drawer $sideNavToggleDesktop.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var animationTime = 250; //Desktop view $(this).toggleClass('open-drawer close'); //Open the drawer if ($(this).hasClass('close')) { //Re-stick the sticky panel, if was unstuck in the action of closing the drawer if ($('.sticky-wrapper').length === 0) { $panelSticky.sticky({ topSpacing: $panelStickyTopSpacing }); } $sideNav.add($mainContent).add($pageOperativesDesktop).removeClass('closed-view'); //Actions may have been hidden in mobile view, make sure they are displayed here. $actions.not(excludedActions).show(); $sideNav.hide().delay(animationTime).fadeIn(animationTime); //Set the hidden mobile button to have the right icon state (close) $sideNavToggleMobile.addClass('close'); //Close the drawer // toggle aria-label for refine-search toggleAriaDescribedBy($(this), 'Hide refine search options'); } else { $actions.not(excludedActions).fadeOut(animationTime).promise().done(function () { $sideNav.add($mainContent).add($pageOperativesDesktop).addClass('closed-view'); //Set the hidden mobile button to have the right icon state (open) $sideNavToggleMobile.removeClass('close'); //Unstick the panel, otherwise, if the browser is scrolled down, the sticky panel will have the wrong //styling applied and look pretty weired. $panelSticky.unstick(); }); // toggle aria-label for refine-search toggleAriaDescribedBy($(this), 'Show refine search options'); } }); //Mobile / tablet view //Main open close toggle side drawer $sideNavToggleMobile.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // $(this).toggleClass('open-drawer close'); $(this).toggleClass('close'); //Show the actions if ($(this).hasClass('close')) { $sideNav.add($mainContent).removeClass('closed-view'); $actions.not(excludedActions).show(); //Set the hidden desktop button to have the right icon state (close) $sideNavToggleDesktop.removeClass('open-drawer').addClass('close'); //Hide the actions // toggle aria-label for refine-search toggleAriaDescribedBy($(this), 'Hide refine search options'); } else { $actions.not(excludedActions).hide().promise().done(function () { $sideNav.add($mainContent).addClass('closed-view'); //Set the hidden desktop button to have the right icon state (close) $sideNavToggleDesktop.removeClass('close').addClass('open-drawer'); }); // toggle aria-label for refine-search toggleAriaDescribedBy($(this), 'Show refine search options'); } }); // Only allow search form to be submitted if user has entered at least one character $subHeader.find('input[type=submit]').on('click', function (e) { if ($subHeader.find('input[name=q]').val().length === 0) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // Only allow search form to be submitted if user has entered at least one character $($searchForms).each(function () { var self = this; if ($(this).hasClass('prevent-empty-search')) { $(this).find('input[type=submit]').on('click', function (e) { if ($.trim($(self).find('input[name=q]').val()).length === 0) { e.preventDefault(); } }); } //log event $(this).submit(function (e, evented) { var self = this; var eventPayload = $(this).data('cupEventPayload'); //If there's no payload, don't bother. if (eventPayload) { $.extend(eventPayload, { searchString: $(self).find('input[name="q"]').val(), usedIdentities: [] //required field but not populated for this event }); if (!evented) { e.preventDefault(); $.cupEvent.dispatchEvent(eventPayload, function () { $(self).trigger('submit', true); }); } } }); }); //Mobile menu secondary $secondaryMenuIcons.each(function (i, e) { $(this).on('click', function (e) { //e.preventDefault; var $anyDropdown = $body.find('.dropdown-menu-mobile'), $nearestDropdown = $(this).parent().parent().next(), $backdrop = '
'; if (!$anyDropdown.hasClass('open-drawer')) { $nearestDropdown.toggleClass('open-drawer').parent().append($backdrop); if ($(this).hasClass('identities')) { $nearestDropdown.removeClass('personal').addClass('identities'); } if ($(this).hasClass('personal')) { $nearestDropdown.removeClass('identities active').addClass('personal'); } if (!$(this).hasClass('identities')) { $(this).addClass('active'); } } else { $anyDropdown.removeClass('open-drawer').parent().find('.backdrop').remove(); $(this).removeClass('active'); } }); }); $('.js-toggle-show').on('click', function () { //$('.accordion').find('content').removeClass('active'); var $button = $(this); if ($('.accordion').data('showing') === true) { $('.accordion').find('.content').removeClass('active'); $button.text('Expand full list'); $('.accordion').data('showing', false); } else { $('.accordion').find('.content').addClass('active'); $button.text('Hide full list'); $('.accordion').data('showing', true); } }); //mathJax or any other item using this switch type $optionSwitch.on('click', function () { $(this).toggleClass('off on'); }); $('.js-outglow').on('focus', function () { $(this).closest('.js-outglow-parent').toggleClass('glow'); }); $('.js-outglow').on('blur', function () { $(this).closest('.js-outglow-parent').toggleClass('glow'); }); //Footer Mobile accordion $openMediumIcon.on('click', function () { $(this).toggleClass('open-drawer close'); }); //Footer Mobile accordion $openTabletIcon.on('click', function () { $(this).toggleClass('open-drawer close'); }); //Toggle for Journal Accordians $('.toggle-cord').on('click', function () { $(this).toggleClass('open-drawer close'); $(this).toggleClass('open-drawer close'); }); //Journal back-issues nested accordion $accordionExpanderFooter.on('click', function () { $(this).find('.icon').toggleClass('close open-drawer'); }); $('.js-expand').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Get both desktop and responsive buttons var expandButtons = $('.js-expand'); var expandButtonsText = expandButtons.find('span'); var buttonText; var ariaExpandText = $(this).data('ariaExpandText'); var ariaCollapseText = $(this).data('ariaCollapseText'); if (!$(this).data('expanded')) { $('.nested-accordion .content').removeClass('active').addClass('active'); $('.nested-accordion [aria-expanded="false"]').attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); $('.nested-accordion .toggle-cord').removeClass('open-drawer').addClass('close'); buttonText = AOP.translate('Collapse list'); $(this).data('expanded', true); expandButtonsText.text(buttonText); expandButtons.attr('aria-label', ariaCollapseText); expandButtons.data('expanded', true); } else { $('.nested-accordion .content').removeClass('active'); $('.nested-accordion [aria-expanded="true"]').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); $('.nested-accordion .toggle-cord').removeClass('close').addClass('open-drawer'); buttonText = AOP.translate('Expand full list'); $(this).data('expanded', false); expandButtonsText.text(buttonText); expandButtons.attr('aria-label', ariaExpandText); expandButtons.data('expanded', false); } return false; }); //Mobile sub-header toggle $searchExpand.on('click', function () { if ($subHeader.hasClass('slide-up')) { $subHeader.removeClass('slide-up').addClass('slide-down'); $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).children('span').addClass('active'); } else { $subHeader.removeClass('slide-down').addClass('slide-up'); $(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).children('span').removeClass('active'); } }); // Journal page / mobile / fix state of arrow icon $('.tab-title.current-mobile a').on('click', function () { $corePageTabsMobileExpand.find('a.icon').toggleClass('open'); }); //Mobile & Desktop Page tabs menu $pageTabs.on('click', '.tab-title a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Make sure the panel is not sticky for a mobile device // when toggling between tabs if ($(window).width() < 1024) { if ($('.sticky-wrapper').length > 0) { $panelSticky.unstick(); } } $pageTabs.find('.tabs').toggleClass('open-drawer'); if (!$(this).hasClass('icon')) { $currentMobileTabName.text($(this).text()); if ($(window).width() < 1024) { $pageTabsMobileExpand.find('a').toggleClass('open'); //Return the arrow to correct state. $('.icon.toggle.close').click(); //Hide actions that were open on previous page. } } else { $(this).toggleClass('open'); } }); var loaded = false; $actionShowAllExplore.each(function () { $(this).on('click', function (e) { var limit = 5; if ($(this).data('limit')) { limit = $(this).data('limit'); } var $showAll = $(this); var $buttonTextAction = $(this).find('.toggle-text'); var $buttonTextAmount = $(this).find('.excerpt-type'); var $buttonIcon = $(this).find('.icon'); e.preventDefault(); var $thisActionsList = $showAll.closest($actions).find('ul'); if (loaded) { if ($thisActionsList.find('li:eq(' + (limit) + ')').is(':hidden')) { $thisActionsList.find('li:gt(' + (limit - 1) + ')').fadeIn(300, function () { $buttonTextAction.text('Show'); $buttonTextAmount.text('fewer'); $buttonIcon.addClass('close'); }); } else { $thisActionsList.find('li:gt(' + (limit - 1) + ')').fadeOut(300, function () { $buttonTextAction.text('Show'); $buttonTextAmount.text('all'); $buttonIcon.removeClass('close'); }); } } else { $($thisActionsList).find('li:gt(' + (limit - 1) + ')').fadeIn(300, function () { $buttonTextAction.text('Show'); $buttonTextAmount.text('fewer'); $buttonIcon.addClass('close'); }); loaded = true; } }); }); $actions.on('submit', $addKeyword, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var keyword = $addKeyword.val(); if (keyword && keyword.length) { var addedKeywordListItem = '
  • ' + keyword + '
  • '; $('.keywords').append(addedKeywordListItem); } }); $('.keywords').on('click', 'li a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().remove(); }); //Really need a better fix for this... $('ul#text-resizer-controls').each(function () { $(this).children().textresizer({ target: '.large-12 .wrapper', type: 'cssClass', sizes: [ 'standard-text', 'large-text' ], selectedIndex: 1 }); }); $('.dashboard-blocks .info').one('click mouseenter', function (e) { $(this).removeClass('unread'); }); // Blurred Cover $('.blurred-cover').foggy({ blurRadius: 8, //In pixels. opacity: 0.8, //Falls back to a filter for IE. cssFilterSupport: true //Use "-webkit-filter" where available. }); // Disabled this - as it already handled by AOP.accordionTextSwitch() //View/hide abstract toggle on book/journal and search pages // $('.abstract').on('click', 'a', function (e) { // e.preventDefault(); // var toggleText = $(this).find('.toggle-text'); // var icon = $(this).find('>span'); // icon.toggleClass('close'); // // $(this).next().toggle(); // }); // On listings, open embedded links within abstracts/extracts, in a new window/tab. $('.results').on('click', '.content .abstract a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); window.open($(this).attr('href'), '_blank'); }); // On article pages, open embedded links within abstracts/extracts, in a new window/tab. $('.article-overview .abstract a').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); window.open($(this).attr('href'), '_blank'); }); // Detect click on institution logo in dropdown $('#institutions-dropdown img, .show-for-small.institutions img').on({ click: function () { var link = $(this).parent().parent().find('a'); if (link.attr('data-no-link') === undefined) { window.open(link.attr('href'), '_blank'); } }, mouseenter: function () { var link = $(this).parent().parent().find('a'); if (link.attr('data-no-link') === undefined) { $(this).css({ cursor: 'pointer' }); } else { $(this).css({ cursor: 'default' }); } } }); // Peform any actions on the org logo var orgLogoCheck = function () { var deviceLogo = $('a.account-loggedin.identities'); // Check if we are dealing with a screen that's too small to show // the org logo in the header. if (window.orientation === 0 && $(window).width() <= 320) { deviceLogo.addClass('no-logo'); } else { deviceLogo.removeClass('no-logo'); } }; // Set the correct tab name on mobile var tabName; // Tabs can be rendered under two classes, check corePageTabs if // no data found in the expected place var tabIdx = 0; var $collection = $pageTabs.length !== 0 ? $pageTabs : $corePageTabs; $.each($collection, function () { tabName = $(this).find('.tab-title.active').text(); $($currentMobileTabName.get(tabIdx)).text(tabName); tabIdx++; }); // Get and display the first available logo/link in the institution list var institutions = $('.institution-name ul li.institution'), primaryLogo = $('.institution-primary-logo'), deviceLogo = $('a.account-loggedin.identities'), link, image, institutionName, imageFound = false; if (institutions.length > 0) { $.each(institutions, function () { link = $(this).find('a'); image = $(this).find('img'); institutionName = link.text(); if (!!image.attr('src')) { primaryLogo.find('a').append('' + institutionName + ''); deviceLogo.find('img').attr('src', image.attr('src')).attr('alt', institutionName); // Show/hide the org logo orgLogoCheck(); if (!link.attr('data-no-link') && !!link.attr('href')) { primaryLogo.find('a').attr('href', link.attr('href')).attr('target', '_blank'); } else { primaryLogo.find('a').attr('data-no-link', true); } primaryLogo.show(); imageFound = true; return false; } }); } if (!imageFound) { primaryLogo.remove(); } // Listen for device orientation changes, perform any required actions. if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function () { orgLogoCheck(); }, false); } $('.aop-toggle-text').each(function () { var $event = $(this); var $buttonText = $event.find('.button-text'); var textOn = $event.data('toggleOn') || $buttonText.html(); var textOff = $event.data('toggleOff'); var ariaEntityName = $event.data('ariaEntityName'); // Set the ARIA label text. If available, append the ARIA entity name (eg 'journals') to the existing toggle text. var setAriaLabel = function (el, labelText, entityName) { if (typeof labelText === 'string' && el) { el.attr('aria-label', labelText.trim() + (entityName ? ' ' + entityName : '')); } }; // Init ARIA label text setAriaLabel($event, textOn, ariaEntityName); if (!textOn || !textOff) { console.warn('Specify data attributes for toggling text', $event); } else { $event.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($buttonText.html() === textOn) { $buttonText.html(textOff); setAriaLabel($event, textOff, ariaEntityName); } else { $buttonText.html(textOn); setAriaLabel($event, textOn, ariaEntityName); } }); } }); $('.aop-toggle-class').each(function () { var $event = $(this); var cssOn = $event.data('toggleClassOn'); var cssOff = $event.data('toggleClassOff'); if (!cssOn || !cssOff) { console.warn('Specify data attributes for toggling css', $event); } else { $event.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $event.hasClass(cssOn) ? $event.removeClass(cssOn).addClass(cssOff) : $event.removeClass(cssOff).addClass(cssOn); // jshint ignore:line }); } }); $('.aop-toggle-show').each(function () { var $event = $(this); var $target = $($event.data('toggleTarget')); if ($target.length > 0) { $event.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $target.toggleClass('hide'); }); } }); $('.aop-toggle-replace').each(function () { var $event = $(this); var targets = $event.data('replaceTarget').split(','); if (!targets.length) { return false; } var $initial = $(targets[0]); var $target = $(targets[1]); if ($target.length && $initial.length) { $event.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $target.toggleClass('hide'); $initial.toggleClass('hide'); }); } }); $('.aop-toggle-action').each(function () { var $event = $(this); var action = $event.data('toggleAction'); var $target = $($event.data('toggleTarget')); if (!action) { console.warn('Specify toggle action', $event); } else { $event.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch (action) { case 'showHide': $target.toggleClass('hide'); break; } }); } }); $('body').on('click', '.check-library-catalogue', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().find('.check-access-openurl').slideToggle(); }); $('body').on('click', '.listing-citation-modal', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $button = $(this); var $modal = $('#productCitations'); var $allCitedByButtons = $('.listing-citation-modal'); var $loader = $modal.find('.loader'); var $modalContent = $modal.find('.citation-content'); var serviceUrl = AOP.baseUrl + '/services/aop-cambridge-core/citations'; var $errorMessages = $modal.find('#ajaxMessages'); var alertOpts = { scroll: false, alertType: 'error', alertElement: $errorMessages }; // Get button data var doi = $button.attr('data-doi'); var productType = $button.attr('data-product-type'); var productId = $button.attr('data-product-id'); var citationsLoaded = $button.attr('data-citations-loaded'); // Citation content already loaded for this product, just open the modal. if (citationsLoaded === 'yes') { $modal.foundation('reveal', 'open'); } else { // Hit the service and get citation content $modalContent.html(''); $loader.show(); $modal.foundation('reveal', 'open'); $errorMessages.find('>div').remove(); $.post(serviceUrl, {doi: doi, productType: productType, productId: productId}).done(function (response) { $loader.hide(); if (response.success) { $modalContent.html(response.html); $allCitedByButtons.attr('data-citations-loaded', 'no'); $button.attr('data-citations-loaded', 'yes'); } else { AOP.createAlertBox('There was a problem displaying the citations. Please contact customer services.', alertOpts); } }); } }); /** * Hide the given drop down * @param $el */ function hideDropDown($el) { if (!$el) { return; } $el.css({ left: -9999, top: this.top }).attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } /*, * Bind desktop, mobile, and tablet behaviour to the secondary menu dropdowns * @param {string} elementId - id of dropdown link * @param {object} opts - dropdown behaviour * top: top offset positioning for dropdown * left: left offset positioning for dropdown */ var initSecondaryMenuDropdowns = function (elementId, opts) { if (!elementId || typeof elementId !== 'string') { return; } var TAB_KEYCODE = 9; // Bind the parent
  • element as the button, it's a larger area, so easier to hover/tap. // Define separate buttons for touch (mobile/tablet) and desktop - use modernizr classes to check this. var $button = { noTouchLink: $('.no-touch #' + elementId), noTouch: $('.no-touch #' + elementId).parent(), touch: $('.touch #' + elementId).parent() }; // Hide, show and position the dropdown var dropdown = { // Set dropdown area $el: $('#' + elementId).next(), // Set top/left positioning offsets top: opts.top || 0, left: opts.left || 0, // Test id dropdown is hidden/visible isHidden: function () { return this.$el.attr('aria-hidden') === 'true'; }, // Hide the dropdown hide: function () { hideDropDown(this.$el); }, // Show the dropdown show: function () { this.$el.css({ left: $('#' + elementId).position().left + this.left, top: this.top }).attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }, // Toggle dropdown visibility state toggle: function () { if (this.isHidden()) { this.show(); return; } this.hide(); } }; // If you are on the last button and using the keyboard, and you have tabbed to the next element, hide the dropdown. var $lastButton = $button.noTouch.find('li:last-child a'); $lastButton.on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === TAB_KEYCODE) { dropdown.hide(); } }); // Bind a keyboard event to show the dropdown when you tab over the actual link. $button.noTouchLink.on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === TAB_KEYCODE) { dropdown.show(); } }); // Anything detected as desktop device, handle hovers and clicks. $button.noTouch.bind('mouseenter mouseleave click', function (e) { switch (e.type) { case 'click': dropdown.toggle(); break; case 'mouseenter': dropdown.show(); break; case 'mouseleave': dropdown.hide(); break; default: break; } }); // Anything detected as mobile device, toggle dropdown visibility or load the requested link. $button.touch.on('touchend', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var href = $(e.target).attr('href'); if (!href || href === '#') { dropdown.toggle(); } else { window.location.href = href; } }); // Mobile/tablet - detect touch on document body, hide dropdown if it's visible. $('.touch body').on('touchend', function (e) { var $target = $(e.target); if ($target.attr('id') !== elementId) { dropdown.hide(); } }); }; /** * Handle any tabbing for the secondary menu */ function initSecondaryMenuTabbing() { var $myAccountButton = $('#secondary-menu-my-account'); var $userIconButton = $('#r-user-dropdown-icon'); var $institutionButton = $('#institution-current'); var $institutionDropDown = $('#institutions-dropdown'); var $userAccountDropDown = $('#user-options'); var TAB_KEYCODE = 9; // Handle backward tabbing // If tabbing backward from the My Account button, go straight to the user icon, do not open the user account // dropdown. $myAccountButton.on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === TAB_KEYCODE && e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); $userIconButton.focus(); } }); // Handle backward tabbing // If tabbing backward from the user icon button, go straight to the institution link, do not open the institution // dropdown. $userIconButton.on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === TAB_KEYCODE && e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); hideDropDown($userAccountDropDown); $institutionButton.focus(); } }); // Handle backward tabbing // If tabbing backward from the institution button, hide the institution dropdown and tab back to the previous // element. $institutionButton.on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === TAB_KEYCODE && e.shiftKey) { hideDropDown($institutionDropDown); } }); } initSecondaryMenuDropdowns('r-user-dropdown-icon', { top: 40, left: -12 }); initSecondaryMenuDropdowns('institution-current', { top: 31 }); initSecondaryMenuTabbing(); // If the user clicks cancel in a login modal, clear out the requested saved search or bookmarks. $(document).on('close.fndtn.reveal', '#login-modal[data-reveal]', function () { AOP.clearForLogin(); }); })(jQuery); // This is added to handle cases where the jacket is defined but the file location gives a 404 $(window).on('load', function () { var images = $('[data-enable-cup-replacement="true"]'); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { var img = $(images)[i]; if (!img.complete || typeof img.naturalWidth === 'undefined' || img.naturalWidth === 0) { $(img).attr('src', AOP.baseUrl + '/cambridge-core/public/images/jacket_blank_300x448.jpg'); $(img).css('width', 180); } } }); //https://www.nczonline.net/blog/2013/01/15/fixing-skip-to-content-links/ window.addEventListener('hashchange', function (event) { var element = document.getElementById(location.hash.substring(1)); if (element) { if (!/^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test(element.tagName)) { element.tabIndex = -1; } element.focus(); } }, false);